Admin Manual/ QuickStart Guide

Welcome to the Admin Manual. Here you will find detailed information on how to utilize the different tools that can be enabled for your site. Note that each practice area of your site will have its own set of admin tools. This manual is organized by tool - click on the title of a tool to get started. Depending on your site configuration, certain tools may be available to only admins, members only or all users. Most content can be administered via the Admin Inbox and directly via the resource itself. Your site may also use different design themes than the examples shown below,. 

Please contact our HelpDesk with any questions, including new site set-up inquiries, or view this slick deck for an overview of platform features.

QuickStart Guide

Getting Started
  • Login with your admin credentials and navigate to the Admin Inbox (this will be in a number of locations, like the footer or bottom right corner, depending on your site)
  • Review any content items marked as "Awaiting Approval" in the admin inbox
  • Under "Area Utilities," grab the "Area Activity Stream RSS Feed" and enter on feed2mail if you would like to get Admin Inbox updates directly in your email inbox!
  • Review reports to assess your site content. The may be accessed on the right side of the Admin Inbox. If you are using the opportunities guide tool, be sure to view those reports as well. There should be a link to those reports in the Admin Inbox. 
  • If there is a membership component of your site, you may want to download the member roster to be familiar with site members.
  • Learn about other tools by requesting a training at our HelpDesk and and other support resources offered by Pro Bono Net. Let us know how we can help you address other needs within your justice community by requesting a one-on-one meeting at our HelpDesk, too! If it's a topic we're not able to help with, we'll do our best to suggest other resources or people in our network who can help. 
Next Steps
  • Get set-up with admin permissions to (provided by the previous site admin or by Pro Bono Net at our HelpDesk)
  • Sign up for the listserv by sending an email to
  • Verify that the Join Email information is correct (for sites with a membership component). The Join Email is generated when a new member applies for membership and/or is approved. Contact our HelpDesk to make any updates to the form
  • For site domains that are not registered with, verify your registrar login information.

Basic Tools

Homepage and Other General Information 
Flexible Content Page Tool (About page, Help page, etc. )
Admin Inbox
Member Joining and Approval
Roster Tool

Content Tools

Custom Resource Page

Communication Tools


Volunteer Engagement Tools

Opportunities Guide
Projects Tool
New Cases

Enhanced New Cases



Be sure to also check out our Content Style Guide and Integrating Multimedia Guide for information on formatting content and using multimedia!