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Content Sharing

On, there are several ways to share content in from other sites (in the network and outside of it) as well as out to other sites (in the network and outside of it). Please see the matrix below for more information .

Content Sharing on

  Share-in (from network via Admin Inbox) Share-out (to network via Admin Inbox) Share-in (from external source) Share-out (to external source) Email directly to members* Homepage widget
Flex Content Page -- -- -- -- Content Email Alert Enhanced Content Widget
Library  Shared Content  Shared Content Email Sharing Content Email Alert Enhanced Content Widget
Calendar  External RSS Feed Reader  Content Email Alert Enhanced Content Widget
News External RSS Feed Reader Email Sharing Content Email Alert Enhanced Content Widget
Opportunities Guide -- -- -- -- -- --
Cases Shared Content  -- Content Email Alert Enhanced Content Widget
Projects    -- -- Email Sharing -- --
Other   --

External RSS Feed Reader

-- --

RSS Widget on homepage

*Listserv and Mailings tool can be used to email members directly, as well.