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OKC: Pro Se Waiver Divorce Clinic

The Clinic assists self-represented litigants appearing for the Pro Se Waiver Divorce Docket in Oklahoma County.
Judges refer litigants to the clinic staff and volunteers who meet in the Oklahoma County Law Library. These litigants need review of existing documents and pleadings, new final documents and advise and counsel.

This clinic is a project of the Oklahoma County District Courts with in partnership with The Oklahoma Access to Justice foundation, Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, the Oklahoma City University School of Law, and Oklahoma Child Support Services.

The Judge reviews the documents from the bench and appropriate pro se cases are referred to the Pro Se Waiver Clinic in the Oklahoma County Law Library.
The Clinic is staffed by volunteer lawyers and supervised law students resulting in the most effective outcomes for these actions:

  • quick resolution; and,
  • finalization for cases on this docket.

These cases might otherwise linger without resolution or require multiple court appearances by parties who can least afford to be in court and reduction of time and docket size for an already overburdened court.

Volunteer Profile:

Seeking lawyers to participate in the clinic. Law students welcome!
