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Other Trainings and Resources

Mobile Platform Training- Pro Bono Net

On September 18, 2013 Pro Bono Net provided a training on the LH3 mobile platform to help state partners in creating their mobile-accessible sites. Prior to submitting a mobile site set up form, please review these materials.

All Things Mobile- LSNTAP/PBN Community Training Series

This 60 minute training from 2011 examined the changing landscape of mobile technology and how legal aid programs use mobile tools to expand resources available to clients and enhance services. Using examples from the field, presenters discuss the development of mobile-optimized websites, mobile "apps" and the use of SMS/text messaging. This training will also look at trends in mobile device adoption and usage among clients and advocates.

The Mobile Web Development Guide for Legal Aid- LSNTAP

This guide provides an overview of the mobile web and mobile web development for the legal aid community. This guide also provides a comprehensive list of additional resources.

Using Mobile Phones for Service Delivery-LSNTAP/Idealwear

This 90 minute training from 2012 provides an overview of mobile access through a series of case studies, as well as a review of mobile principles and best practices.