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NYC Pro Bono Center

Pro Bono Center Newsletter

Welcome to the October 2012 edition of the NYC Pro Bono Center newsletter! October 21-27, 2012 is National Pro Bono Week! Read new reflections on the meaning of pro bono everyday this week on Pro Bono Net's blog, Connecting Justice Communities, and view moving stories of justice on Celebrate Pro Bono's Just Stories video quilt.

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Outstanding Volunteers

Sarah Cave of Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP and Donald Curry of Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto Recognized by the New York Law Journal as "Lawyers Who Lead"
The Legal Aid Society nominated these two outstanding lawyers for recognition as "Lawyers Who Lead." Cave and Curry, who both began working on pro bono matters early in their careers, consistently have integrated pro bono matters into their portfolios. Learn more

Epstein Volunteer Awards to Kick off Pro Bono Week at the NY City Bar Justice Center
The City Bar Justice Center will award a selection of exceptional volunteers with the Jeremy G. Epstein Award for outstanding pro bono service. These volunteers of the City Bar Justice Center's projects have gone above and beyond to aid low income New Yorkers in need of pro bono legal assistance. Learn more

Debevoise & Plimpton Associate Wins Permanent Legal Residency for Two Volunteers of Legal Service's Children's Project Clients
Without a regular immigration status, the two boys from Nigeria would never be able to work legally or apply for financial aid to attend college. Through VOLS's Children's Project and Debevoise associate Yasmin Carlos, their father's hope for a better life for his children was fulfilled. Learn more

We welcome your contributions! To nominate an outstanding volunteer, send an email describing the pro bono case or project to info@probono.net

Pro Bono News

Fifteenth Annual Legal Aid Society CLE Pro Bono Training Series Announced
The Legal Aid Society's Pro Bono Training Series commences on November 15, 2012 with a session on Not-For-Profit incorporation and extends through April 2013. As with past years, the CLE training program addresses urgent, emerging legal needs of low-income families and individuals. Learn more

Safe Horizon Attorney Reflects on Helping Victims of Domestic Violence
In honor of Pro Bono Week, the Supervising Attorney of Safe Horizon's Domestic Violence Law Project writes on the the importance of legal representation in the lives of domestic violence victims, and the difference lawyers can make. Learn more

Click here to read more pro bono news.

New Opportunities

Election Protection - Voter Hotline and Legal Field Program
The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and its coalition partners seek volunteer attorneys, paralegals, and law students to staff the National Voter Hotline (1-866-Our-Vote) and the Legal Field Program in the days leading up to this year's elections. Learn more

Click here to see more available opportunities.

Upcoming Trainings and Events

October 22, 2012: Election Protection Training
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund conducts this training to prepare volunteers to monitor the upcoming elections for compliance with the federal Voting Rights Act, which mandates bilingual ballots and forbids anti-Asian voter discrimination. Learn more

October 24, 2012: Advanced Housing Court Training
Presented by the Learning Center of Legal Services -- NYC, this training focuses on using motion practice, discovery, and artful stipulation drafting to produce optimal outcomes for clients, and to change the dysfunctional 'culture' of housing court. Learn more

November 1, 2012: City Bar Justice Center Hosting Fourth DACA Clinic
The City Bar Justice Center will be hosting its fourth Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) clinic since September on November 1st from 2pm- 5pm. The clinic will be located at the New York City Bar Association. Learn more

Click here to view the full calendar of pro bono events
and training opportunities.

Library Resources

Re-registration for Haitian Temporary Protected Status Webinar
The Legal Aid Society recently conducted this webinar training to prepare volunteer attorneys to assist Haitian nationals in re-registering for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), first granted after earthquakes devastated the country in 2010. Learn more

Earning CLE Credit for Pro Bono Work
Earlier this year, the New York State CLE Board increased the amount of CLE credit that attorneys can earn for performing pro bono work, decreased the time it takes to earn it, and created a rule for the new Attorney Emeritus program. You can find the changes here. Learn more

Click here to browse through the entire NYC Pro Bono Center Library.

Did you know?

The first ABA National Pro Bono Week took place in 2009, while the United Kingdom is celebrating its 11th annual National Pro Bono week this year. To learn more about the U.S.'s celebration this week, connect with ABA's National Celebration of Pro Bono. Learn more

Click here to view our archive of NYC Pro Bono Center Newsletter.

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