Pro Bono News

Domestic Violence Victims Face Unique Challenges in Rural Areas (ID)

Saturday, October 06, 2018

Domestic Violence Victims Face Unique Challenges in Rural Areas

"Laura Diaz lived in Wilder — 30 minutes from the nearest grocery store — when her father allegedly shot and killed her mother on June 11, 2015.

Living in a rural community was a challenge her family faced when dealing with domestic violence. Seeking help was hard, she said, in a small circle where people know each other on a personal level.

“When you are a victim you’re in constant survival mode,” said Diaz, now 28.

You’re going to try to keep yourself as safe as possible, she said, but when services are far away, they can seem inaccessible.

Diaz urges domestic violence organizations to bridge the gap by seeking out those who might not be able to seek out them and providing bilingual or bicultural services.

“Resources should be out where the people are,” she said. “Not where the people need to be coming out to them.”

In September, Idaho Legal Aid Service, Inc. was awarded a federal grant of $480,014 from the Office on Violence Against Women’s Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program to help victims in rural communities.

Over the next three years, Idaho Legal Aid is partnering with crisis centers across Idaho to increase access to legal help and victim’s services. The effort will focus on specific needs organizations are seeing but are unable to meet..."

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