Pro Bono News

Legal Fund is Helping to Provide Lawyers for Undocumented Kids in NEO, Like Teen Who Lost Leg in Iraw

Friday, February 09, 2018

Legal Fund is Helping to Provide Lawyers for Undocumented Kids in NEO, Like Teen Who Lost Leg in Iraq

"CLEVELAND - She lost a leg in a missile attack and was brought back from the brink of death.

Now an Iraqi teen and her mom are in another life-or-death battle — the fight to stay in this country.

Their story is just one of thousands playing out right now across Northeast Ohio as immigrants, many of them fleeing violence, try to navigate the legal system.

But a big setback for them was when the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled undocumented children do not have a right to free counsel.

A special fund set up in Cleveland is trying to make sure every child seeking asylum gets the help they need..."

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