Pro Bono News

Legal Services reaches out to those due unemployment (OH)

Friday, November 17, 2017

Legal Services reaches out to those due unemployment


"CIRCLEVILLE—For people having issues applying for unemployment benefits, the Southeastern Ohio Legal Services (SEOLS) is working to make sure anyone without good internet access doesn’t fall thorough the cracks.

July 1 became the cutoff date for Ohioians wanting to file an application or claim for unemployment benefits by phone. From that point onward, anyone wanting to file must do so online, according to Joshua Goodwin, managing attorney at the Chillicothe Office of the Southeastern Ohio Legal Services.

“I know there is a shift across the board to shift everything online,” he said. “In a place like Franklin County, it’s probably a little easier and broadband is easier to come across. You start moving out from a metro [area], and it’s harder...”

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