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Decoding HTML: A Basic Introduction to Recognizing, Editing, and Using HTML Tags

5/19/2009 Tuesday Training - Decoding HTML: A Basic Introduction to Recognizing, Editing, and Using HTML Tags

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Webcasting Then and Now: Highlights of the Webcast Upgrade

This presentation highlights enhancements to the webcasting tools on the platform that were rolled out in May 2009. Includes an overview of visual and functional differences in how webcast content is recorded, edited and viewed.

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Developing Your Own Multmedia Content Series

Has your organization thought about setting up a podcast or webcast, but not known where to begin? This training will help you develop a successful project plan for implementing a multimedia series on your statewide website. We'll build on some of the community's previous discussions about the technical side of multimedia by looking at practical examples of how legal services organizations implemented their own podcast or webcast series.

Click here to download the slides from the LSNTAP website

Problem Solved 2009: Great Ideas from Your Peers

This training was conducted on July 14, 2009. Did you know that Boston VLP has made great use of the flexible content page tool? Have you seen Immigration Advocates Network's Alerts page? Wonder how GeorgiaAdvocates is showcasing HotDocs for its pro bono attorneys? Your great ideas have us so excited we want to share them with everyone. This training showcases some model uses of tools and highlight some great examples in action.

Click here to watch the webinar and download the PowerPoint

Getting Attention: PR and New Media Strategies for Your LawHelp and Pro Bono Net Site

This training was conducted on July 28, 2009. It provided tips for getting print, broadcast and electronic media coverage of your project, including press releases and distribution services, and new media outlets like blogs and Twitter.

Click here to watch the webinar and download the PowerPoint

Creating and Sending eNewsletters

This training covers the nuts and bolts of starting your own eNewsletter, from suggestions on basic eNewsletter design to using an HTML template without really having to know HTML. We'll review the tools available to edit or send enewsletters on the LawHelp and platforms, as well as discuss several third-party options.

Click here to watch the webinar and download the PowerPoint

Fundraising for Your Statewide Website in Tough Economic Times

Let's face it - fundraising for your statewide website in this economy won't be easy. This training explores several development approaches that programs have utilized to sustain their web presence. Panelists will also assess the best fundraising options for our current economic climate.

Click here to download the slides from the LSNTAP website

Search Engine Marketing: Maximizing the Online Presence of Your LawHelp & Site

A team from LexisNexis assisted Pro Bono Net with search engine optimization for to help increase the website's visibility in Google/Yahoo/Bing. It is important to us that those searching for legal help online are directed to LexisNexis generously agreed to extend their expertise to legal aid organizations and law firms that partner with Pro Bono Net. Topics for this webinar include: important dynamics of Search, how to make your site search engine friendly, search optimization best practices, and more.

Click here to access the library item and watch the webinar