Frequently Asked Questions, Best Practices and Tips

Kristin Verrill at Atlanta Legal Aid Society put together an excellent Tips Sheet based on her experience in setting up a portal page. This provides both tips to make the administration of your mini-portal page easier, and best practices.

How different from the example can my mini portal page be?

The three column layout for a mini portal page is inherent to the design. The type of editors shown each column are recommendations based on usability testing; however there is flexibility here. You can have a content widget in the left-hand column, for example, or three Ckeditors in the right hand column. Reach out to your contact at Pro Bono Net as you are filling out the SetUp Form for additional assistance.

Is the green color scheme the only one I can choose from?

Currently, green or red color schemes are available and we hope to offer 1 additional color scheme later this year.

What if I want to change my video or picture?

To change your video or picture, click on the edit icon next to the widget with your video. This box will appear.

Enter your video Id, or URL. If necessary change the size or the video options. If you do not know what these are, slowly step away from the editor and reach out to your PBN contact or

Then press Save. All done!

The Interactive Guide, Videos and Find Help links on Georgia's mini-portals link to a landing page. What is a landing page and how do we create one?

A landing page is the page your users arrive at after they click on a link. It can help your user contextualize the information they about to consume. For instance, the first page of this toolkit is a landing page.

Georgia used resources to highlight their Interactive Guide, Videos, Find Help. To create a resource with multiple videos, you will want to use the HTML module- if you haven't done this before, I'd suggest you contact

You can also reach out to you contact at Pro Bono Net, and request we create a flat HTML page, similar to you "About Us" Page. You can add links to resources and embed videos through the CKEditor an HTML page.

Where can I find more information?

If you are interested in learning more about the mini-portals, please email your Pro Bono Net contact or To access a mini-portal set-up form and tips, please visit the LH3 mini-portal resources folder in SWEB. You can also access the December 2012 Coordinator Call notes and recording for a demo (the information on the mini portal starts at minute 29 on the recording). There is ongoing documentation available on our blog.