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Tagging Your Content

Tagging is a powerful way to organize information on your Law Help site. It is also how you designate content you want to appear on your mobile site.

Setting Up Tags

Typically, you can create as many tag types as you want. Tag types can include things like "Types of Resources" or "Types of Organizations". Under "Types of Resources" you may have a tag for "booklets" or "FAQ"; while under "Types of Organizations" you may have "Community Agency" or "Legal Services". You can have as many tags as you want under each tag type.

If you are creating a mobile site, your tag type will be "Mobile." You will have two (three upon request) tags under the "Mobile" tag type. They will be - "Self Help" and "Legal Aid." These labels are used by the LawHelp API to identify what content should be "sent" to the mobile site, and they should not be changed. These are internal labels only and do not display to users on the mobile site. Pro Bono Net will set up your mobile tags as part of the site set-up process.

Click on new tag type to create the tag type you want (in the case of a mobile site "Mobile").

Don't forget to select "Done" when you are finished!

Once you've created the tag type, you can set the tags you plan on using.

To do this return to the tags screen.

Instead of choosing New Tag Types, select "New Tag"

This is where you will create you tags. If you are working on your traditional website, these tags can be anything you want- just remember to keep in mind the other ways your information is organized (under topics and channels) so as not to be duplicative.

If you are working on your mobile site, your tags should be either "Legal Information" and "Find a Legal Provider" or some variation on those.

You have now created your tags- on to tagging your content!

Tagging Content

Once you have the designated the tags for your mobile site you will need to select the content you wish to tag. For the mobile platform, this is the only content mobile users will be able to access. There are two ways to tag content- individually or by using group tags.

Group Tagging:

Select either the Resources or Organizations tab- the steps are the same for each.
Use the tag filter in Resources and Organizations manager to see tagged content.

Select the content you would like to tag, and select "Assign Tags."

If you are selecting this for the mobile platform, please review the content to make sure it is appropriate for this platform. For more information, please read our information on mobile platform content considerations.

Once you have click on the "Tags" tab on the top, select the tag type and the tag that you created for the mobile site.

Note: Content can have multiple tags assigned to it, including mobile and non-mobile tags.

When you click"Save" all the resources you selected will now be assigned the tags you indicated.

Individual Tagging:

Go to the resource or the organization, select the tabs tag, and select the tag type and the tag that you want to use.

You can also tag resources and organizations as you create them, using this same tab.

Be sure to hit "Done" when you're finished to save your work.

Once your materials are tagged users can search by tags in the search engine, tagged materials can be pulled into widgets on the front page of your site, and they can work as filters on the left hand column of results sorted by topic and subtopic.

Interested in learning more about a Mobile Platform? Click here!

Materials tagged with the mobile tags will be available on your mobile platform. Click here for more information on managing your mobile site.

If you have any questions, concerns or comments feel free to contact us at, or reach out to your Pro Bono Net contact person.