What is a Content Page?

A content page is a page that dynamically pulls information from your statewide website into one standalone page. You can use this to display resources or organizations assigned to specific topics, categories, coverage areas or with specific tags on one page.

You can make a content page public through a link in the header or footer of your page (depending on what you pick). You can also create a widget to display the top results of your content page. You can place this widget on your homepage or on a Mini Portal.

You can keep the content page for internal use only, and distribute the URL to staff or other individuals interested in a certain area of law, coverage area, or authoring organization. For example, if a partner wants to see all the resources they have authored, you may wish to create a content page for them, provide the url to them, but not link to it on your homepage. This page will update as more resources they author are uploaded.

If you are interested in a Mini Portal Page, click here for more information. If you want additional information on Content Pages and Widgets (or would like to see these in action) click here for a screen cast training.

Setting Up A Content Page

Log in as an admin and go to the Set Up tab and select Content Page. You can select "New" or click on content page.

If you click on content page, a list of your content pages will appear.

Once you select "New Page" (or select an existing page if you want to edit one of your current content pages), you will have the option of providing a variety of pieces of information.

In the General Tab, you can dictate:
  • Content Page Name
  • Description (note: currently the description is for internal use only)
  • If you would like a link to appear in the header or footer navigation list of your site
  • To display Resources, Organizations or both
  • If you want to limit the content by authoring organizations
  • What type of content you would like to appear (you can select more than one)
  • How you would like the content ordered (Name/Last Updated/Star Ranked)
  • If/where you want the widget displayed.

If you want a widget on your site, you can choose where on your homepage or on what Mini-Portal Page you want it to display. You can also have a widget display on an alternate language page.

Pulling in Information

Once you have set your specifications in the General Tab, you must tell the page what content to pull in. You can dictate: topics, categories, coverage, tags, or a combination. All of these offer the star ranking feature to rank the content on your page. Click on the screenshots below for more information on how to assign resources, organizations or content pages to each.




Many admins find it easiest to create a tag specifically for their content pages. Click on the links below for more information on categories and tags, the difference between the two and how to tag resources and organizations, or watch a screen cast on tags, content pages and widgets.

When you are done setting your preferences, click Done.

Then change the Status from Draft to Published.

And you are done!

Changing Your Widget

You can edit the widget's name and the number of resources from the front end, by going to your site while logged in as the admin, clicking on edit icon (pencil and paper) , and then changing the specifics in the editing box.

This is the widget from Georgia's Avoiding Foreclosure Content page, and can be found on their Foreclosure Mini Portal Site. As the content page pulls resources tagged with Foreclosure into it's list, this widget will also automatically update. If you click on the "Avoiding Foreclosure" text, it will lead you to the content page, and if you click on the result list, it will take you directly to that piece of content.

The full content page for this widget can be found here.

For more information on Content Page Widgets, check out our Widgets ToolKit.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@lawhelp.org, or reach out to your contact at Pro Bono Net. You can also find a screen cast training on content pages and widgets here.