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Where can I find statistics for grant reports?

As as an LH3 website administrator, you will most likely be required to provide data for reporting purposes. Many of you will have LSC and IOLTA reporting needs; Google Analytics can be used to gather some of the information for these reports. This section will cover how to retrieve data from your Google Analytics reports for these two major reports.

IOLTA Reporting

IOLTA asks the number of visitors to your site. You can access this information in the Audience Reports section, under the users statistic.

IOLTA also requires information on the number of people who receive pro se assistance and the number of people who receive community legal education. Google Analytics can provide information on the number of people who retrieved the downloaded resources or viewed them that fall under those specific classifications. You can access page views of specific pieces of content in the Behavior Reports section. For download metrics on specific resources, you can access the information in Google Analytics, but please contact for download metrics on specific topics, categories, or channels.

LSC Reporting

There are two LSC Grant Activity Report (GAR) metrics that can also be found in Google Analytics. The first is the total number of unique visitors to your website - for example, the total number of computers accessing websites) for any purpose, including but not limited to community legal education. Accessing unique users statistics from Google Analytics will satisfy this LSC Reporting requirement.

LSC also requires the total number of legal education materials posted on websites that were downloaded and the total number of self-help/ pro se materials posted on websites that were downloaded. For download metrics on specific resources, you can access the information in Google Analytics, but please contact for download metrics on specific topics, categories, or channels or view the FAQ section for more details.

If you have additional reporting needs or questions, please see our FAQ section.

Additional Questions/Need Help?
Please contact the HelpDesk with any Google Analytics questions.

Special thanks to Gwen Daniels and Lindsay Ditto at Illinois Legal Aid Online for additional input and guidance on using Google Analytics for statewide legal aid websites.