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Roster Tool

The Roster tool holds the member profiles of all approved members of your practice area.

View all members

When you see "All" in the drop down box, you know you're looking at the default view, which displays all Roster members alphabetically by last name from left to right. Also note how you can change the number of member profiles shown per page. Where it says "View," there are four number choices; the one that is in black is the selected choice and the underlined ones are links to click if you wish to change. Use the << Previous and Next >> links to move forward and backward among all views.

Roster Screenshot

View members by type

The other View for Roster members is by member type. Click the arrow next to "All" and the Member Type list drops down. To view a set of member types, click the one you want and then be sure to click the magnifying glass icon. To unfilter a member type view, click the drop down list again, select "All" at the top, and then click the magnifying glass icon.

Use Quick Search to find a member

A third way to view Roster members is with the Quick Search tool to the right of the Member Type drop down list. Type your query into the empty box next to the drop down list and then click the magnifying glass icon. Quick Search will operate on any of the following fields:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Occupation
  • School
  • Place of employment
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Email address
  • Date joined


  • TIP: Search by email address because it will be unique to each member.
  • TIP: Use this to help you manage clean-up of your membership. Contact PBN for more questions.
  • NOTE: Full Roster profiles are available only to practice area Admins by clicking the edit buttonEdit buttonnext to the person's name, or by going through your Admin Inbox's Approved content and clicking the person's name in the members list.

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