Uncovering Auto Fraud Violations -Examining Potential Clients' Facts and Paperwork for Hidden Claims

  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Central Time (US & Canada)
  • By: National Association of Consumer Advocates
  • Consumer Law

Lawyers frequently reject or overlook numerous viable cases by focusing on a potential client's (PC) complaints, rather than examining all aspects of a car sale transaction. Every new caller should be treated as a potential case, no matter how "frivolous" the caller's self-evaluated complaint. For example, the used car buyer who bought a car "As-Is" and 3 months later complains of engine problems is not a case you typically want to spend time on. But, this should be treated as an opportunity to examine the entire transaction for "red-flag" violations unrelated to the PC's complaint, e.g., examine the sales contract for "on-the-face" violations such as TILA disclosures, pricing violations, interest rate calculations, undisclosed charges; examine the credit application for false entries; examine other mandatory documents for compliance. At a minimum, we should obtain and examine all the sales documents for possible violations that the PC may never be aware of.

Presenter: William Krieg is a senior partner in the law firm of Kemnitzer, Barron & Krieg LLP, with offices in San Francisco, Fresno, Los Angeles and San Diego.

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