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The City Bar Justice Center and Foreclosure

Pro Bono in New York webinar series presents

February 24, 2011 | 2:00PM ET

The City Bar Justice Center and Foreclosure: An Introduction to The City Bar Justice Center's Lawyer's Foreclosure Intervention Network and a Substantive Training on Foreclosure Intervention

This program features the Foreclosure Project of the City Bar Justice Center and will focus on their Lawyers Foreclosure Intervention Network (LFIN) . You You will learn about the options available to homeowners facing foreclosure and how to get involved with the LFIN Foreclosure Panel and assist New York homeowners in need of help in the midst of the current foreclosure crisis.

The City Bar Justice Center will present a substantive training on options for homeowners facing foreclosure.

This session is FREE.

Please note this training does not provide CLE credit.

Presenter: Lynn Armentrout, Director, Foreclosure Project, City Bar Justice Center.

About the City Bar Justice Center:
As the nonprofit 501(c)(3) affiliate of the New York City Bar Association, the City Bar Fund leverages the strengths of the City Bar through the Justice Center to provide pro bono legal services to low income clients.

Maximizing the City Bar's relationship with law firms, corporations, academic institutions, legal services organizations and nonprofits, the Justice Center provides legal services through volunteer attorneys working under the guidance of experts in the fields of Economic Justice, Immigrant Justice, and Access to Justice Initiatives.

Pro bono work at the City Bar spans over four decades, and today the Justice Center offers tremendous opportunities for attorneys to give back to the community while broadening their own network and experiences. Whether it involves helping young entrepreneurs realize their dream of opening a restaurant, winning a hearing for a homeless mother to get back a back allowance, negotiating to keep an elderly couple in their home, drafting a divorce for an abandoned spouse starting a new life or helping a veteran get the disability upgrade that will keep a roof over his head, pro bono work at the Justice Center transforms the lives of clients, and quite often, the attorneys who help them.

About Pro Bono Net: Pro Bono Net ( is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing access to justice through innovative uses of technology and increased volunteer lawyer participation. Pro Bono Net's program's include,, and Pro Bono Manager. Pro Bono Net's web platforms have been adopted in 30 states and regions, reaching approximately two-thirds of the poverty population and lawyers in the United States.

About Pro Bono in New York: The goal of this new series is to increase the number of attorneys involved in pro bono work in New York. Each webinar will highlight a NYC-based pro bono program and/or substantive legal topic, offering a virtual orientation session to attorneys wanting to learn how to get involved. This series has been funded by the New York Community Trust.