Advanced CLARO Training: Assisting CLARO Visitors and Other Consumers with Identity Theft (Free)

  • Consumer


Identity theft can be emotionally and financially devastating for victims, particularly those who are non-English speaking, economically distressed, working poor, elderly, and / or low income. This training program is geared to volunteer attorneys and law students serving consumers, including at the CLARO and VLFD programs.  The training will provide an overview of identity theft and the legal rights and remedies available to victims to address the damage identity theft causes, including removal and blocking of fraudulent accounts in credit reports.  The training will also provide an overview of credit reports and the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, including the provisions that pertain to addressing erroneous and fraudulent information on credit reports.


  • Dora Galacatos, Senior Counsel, Fordham University School of Law
  • Ariana Lindermayer, Staff Attorney, MFY Legal Services
  • Susan Shin, Legal Director, New Economy Project

Cost:  Free 

Note that this training is part of the CLARO Advanced Training Series.  CLARO (The Civil Legal Advice and Resource Office) provides limited legal advice to low-income New Yorkers being sued by debt collectors and co-ordinate CLARO Consumer Debt Clinics in all 5 boroughs. The CLARO Programs operate through the auspices of the New York City Civil Courts. You can learn more about volunteering at CLARO Consumer Debt clinics here, or by joining the Consumer Debt practice area, where you can access training archives

Registration:  Click Here