Pro Bono News

Joshua Silverstein on the Importance of Pro Bono Work in the Legal System (AR)

Friday, October 27, 2017

Joshua Silverstein on the Importance of Pro Bono Work in the Legal System


"As part of Pro Bono Week, which ends Saturday, Arkansas Business talked with Joshua Silverstein, a law professor at the Bowen School of Law at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, about the importance of pro bono work in the legal system.

Arkansas Business: Why is pro bono work so important to the legal system?

Silverstein: "Pro bono" legal work is free legal work provided by practicing lawyers, typically to clients who cannot afford to pay for legal services. Pro bono work ensures access to justice for many Arkansans who otherwise would suffer the loss of their legal rights.

Arkansas is one of the poorest states in the union. As a result, many of our citizens cannot afford to hire an attorney when they need one. In fact, one in four Arkansans qualifies for civil legal aid. This means that their level of income and wealth makes them eligible to receive free legal services in civil matters from one of the two legal aid providers in the state — the Center for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas..."

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