Pro Bono News

Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Pro Bono Team Wins Asylum for Sudanese Woman

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

"The Simpson Thacher team, which included Patrick Campbell, Rachel Sparks Bradley and Meredith Karp, supervised by partner Alan Turner, highlighted the ways in which FGM constituted not only past, but also ongoing persecution, and argued that it was one event in a long lifetime of living in a culture unfriendly to women.  They worked hard to document every aspect of her claim and obtained corroborating affidavits from various family members in the Sudan, as well as an international women’s human rights expert.  They also obtained affidavits from multiple medical experts, including a physician who made clear that Ms. X would not be able to have sexual intercourse, a proper gynecological exam, nor have a baby vaginally without reconstructive surgery due to the severity of her FGM, and Ms. X’s therapist who attested to the nightmares and anxiety Ms. X suffers."

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