Pro Bono News

Pro Bono Net's First Quarter Volunteer: Marc Borbely

Monday, February 08, 2016

Pro Bono Net's Featured Volunteers


Our Featured Volunteers area showcases Pro Bono Net’s quarterly volunteer profile.  These profiles are submitted to us by our legal services and pro bono community partners, across our statewide, regional and international site networks.  In addition to recognizing and honoring the hard work of volunteers, we hope that these profiles provide interesting reading into the motivations and incentives to volunteer, and an insight into the huge difference pro bono volunteers can make in helping to bridge the justice gap. The profiles feature a range of pro bono work, including in relation to diverse subject areas (e.g. veterans work, immigration, employment etc) as well as types of pro bono volunteers (e.g. pro bono attorneys, students, legal aid professionals).  The profiles also showcase the many forms of pro bono volunteer work - from clinic work to ongoing full representation.

First Quarter Featured Volunteer: 


Marc Borbely
D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center's Advocacy & Justice Clinic

Marc Borbely is a volunteer mentor with the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center's Advocacy & Justice Clinic.  The Advocacy & Justice Clinic places more than 325 cases per year with volunteer attorneys for full representation in the areas of housing, family law, consumer law, and public benefits. READ MORE




Nominate a Volunteer
National Celebrate Pro Bono Week


Interested in volunteering?  Start searching for opportunities right now by using our searchable online Pro Bono Opportunities Guide or check out our "Volunteer Tools" page to learn about the range of online resources we have on to help mobilize and engage pro bono volunteers!


Pro Bono Net is a national non-profit dedicated to increasing access to justice through the innovative use of technology., a program of Pro Bono Net, a national, online community for pro bono and civil legal service attorneys, law professors and students, and related social services advocates with a network across 23 states, as well as national and international practice areas.