Pro Bono News

Largest deployment of law students to serve veterans, victims of natural disasters, and other vulnerable populations

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Washington, DC—December 4, 2013— Equal Justice Works and AmeriCorps today announced the creation of the Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps JD Program, which provides law students with an opportunity to expand the delivery of critically needed legal assistance in low-income and underserved communities across the country for veterans, military families, disaster victims, and other vulnerable populations.  Services include disability benefits claims, removing barriers to housing and employment, family law, and other legal issues.

“Participants in the AmeriCorps JD program will help resolve some of the most critical legal problems that prevent people from having decent jobs, safe housing, and stable family lives,” David Stern, Executive Director of Equal Justice Works.  “At Equal Justice Works, we believe that many students begin law school with a desire to change lives.  This initiative will allow them to have a positive impact some of society’s most underserved communities.”