Pro Bono in Georgia Goes Mobile

Friday, December 16, 2011

  • State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Project
  • Source: Georgia

Lawyers can now use smart phones to learn about pro bono and access resources

Accessing volunteer lawyer support information in Georgia is now easier than ever.  Text "probono" to 99699 or use your smart phone to visit

The State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Project has employed to deliver to lawyers across the state resources that help them provide pro bono services to low-income Georgians. "We have a wealth of legal materials aimed right at lawyers who may be inclined to help low-income individuals who have critical legal problems," says Mike Monahan, the project's director.  "The mobile site allows us to highlight and deliver key resources found on our statewide volunteer lawyer support website,"

"More and more, we're finding that lawyers make quick decisions about serving clients on a pro bono basis.  Often, they're not in their offices at their computer, but at church, a community meeting or on the road for business.  The mobile site gives them access to learn how they can help clients and connects them to a pro bono or legal aid program immediately," Monahan adds.

The Pro Bono Project is a joint effort of the State Bar of Georgia and Georgia Legal Services Program.  The Project aims to eliminate barriers that lawyers may face in choosing to help clients on a pro bono basis.  With the assistance of grant funds from the federal Legal Services Corporation, the Pro Bono Project manages web-based resources that promote pro bono services among lawyers and help unite legal aid and pro bono programs across the state.

"I'm hoping this smart phone approach is appealing, especially to our younger, newer lawyers," comments Monahan.  "We want to stay connected to lawyers and provide services and information that is relevant-- services that make them feel comfortable and supported in their work to help people."



