Washington Council of Lawyers Immigration Law Meets Employment Law: Visas for Low-Wage Workers

  • Employment
  • Immigration

When: 28 September 2018, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Where: Arnold & Porter (601 Massachusetts Avenue NW)
Cost: $5 for members of Washington Council of Lawyers and cosponsoring organizations; $15 for others
Employment lawyers regularly meet undocumented workers who have had their wages stolen, been threatened with calls to ICE if they complain of poor working conditions, or been sexually assaulted at work. Many of these lawyers don't realize that these circumstances may enable undocumented workers to apply for special U- or T-visas that may help them stay and work in the United States.

At Immigration Law Meets Employment Law: Visas for Low-Wage Workers, our expert panel will include experienced immigration and employment lawyers who will walk you through the law and a hands-on case-study of how to help vulnerable immigrant workers get visas. Whether you're an immigrant-law specialist or have clients whom you might need to refer elsewhere for help, this training will teach you something new and valuable. The training is open to lawyers and non-lawyers (paralegals, law clerks, etc.) alike.

The program costs $5 for members of Washington Council of Lawyers and cosponsoring organizations and $15 for everyone else. Bring your lunch; we'll provide drinks and dessert.

We are thrilled to co-sponsor this program with the Metropolitan Washington Employment Lawyers Association (MWELA).