Preparing for Comprehensive Immigration Reform and Other Selected Issues in Program Management

Tuesday May 20 -
Wednesday May 21 2014

  • By: CLINIC, CUNY Citizenship Now!
  • Time: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    City University of New York Graduate Center
    365 5th Avenue
    Room C197
    New York, NY
  • Source: Immigration Advocates Network > IAN Nonprofit Resource Center

This two-day training is focused on strategic program management and capacity development topics. The curriculum will include planning activities for comprehensive immigration reform along with elements of CLINIC's highly praised Immigration Program Management training, extended for more advanced learning opportunities. The training will draw from these advanced areas:

  • Planning in advance for implementing comprehensive immigration reform. Participants will be asked to analyze how they plan to respond to a sharp increase in demand of clients applying for immigration benefits after the passage of new legislation. Discussion will also include how to prepare leadership, funders, and the community for changes in service provision and the need for additional support and resources.
  • Case management policies, procedures, and forms. Participants will be asked to bring their case management forms to the training for a thorough review of forms in use and assess them against best practices. Attention will be given to developing policies and procedures that can accommodate a higher client demand sure to come after comprehensive immigration law is passed.
  • Program management challenges and ethical dilemmas with proposed solutions. Participants will learn from actual and hypothetical cases and share their own experiences.
  • Measuring program outcomes for fundraising and marketing effectiveness. Participants will learn a logic model and apply it to designing a project and spotlighting outcomes which are attractive to many funders. Participants will also learn how to use the likelihood of new legislation in funding proposals, community events, and other marketing arenas to garner additional support for the immigration program.
  • Group application workshop models with consideration of current uses in addition to prospective use for unexpected changes in immigration law or policy. Each participant will practice the workshop model and create a workshop plan for her or his program.
  • Open forum for participants to raise issues, ask questions and share good practices that are replicable.

The training is suitable for program staff from a wide range of organizations, including established immigration programs, ethnic and immigrant organizations, domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions and service providers, unions, social services and medical providers, and educational programs (ESL and Citizenship). The training will be presented by Jeff Chenoweth, Director of CLINIC's Center for Citizenship and Immigrant Communities, Laura Burdick CLINIC Field Support Coordinator, and Silvana Arista, CLINIC Project Coordinator.


  • $235 per person from affiliate agencies; $705 cap ($50 materials fee per person for more than 3 attendees from the same office site)
  • $260 per person for other non-profit agency staff; $780 cap ($50 materials fee per person for more than 3 attendees from the same office site)
  • $390 per person for private attorneys and staff

Please be sure to register under the correct category and for the correct training. All registration changes or cancellations are subject to an administrative charge of $70.00. Continental breakfast provided.

Register by clicking here. The training is for the staff of Catholic Charities, other Catholic nonprofits, and other community-based organization with IRS 501(c)(3) status, and attorneys and legal staff of private law offices. If you are not an affiliate and are registering as staff of a community-based organization, you must fax a copy of your IRS 501(c)(3)letter designating your agency as a nonprofit entity to CLINIC at (301) 565-4824 to the attention of Jon Braswell. Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of this letter. If you fail to submit your 501(c) (3) letter you can be disenrolled. If you are an attorney, please include your state bar number. Payment is by credit card only. This training is expected to fill up quickly. Early registration is recommended. The registration deadline is March 27, 2014 or sooner if registration is full. For registration information contact Leya Speasmaker at 301-565-4816 or
