Social Media for Non-Profit and Public Interest Organizations

Thursday March 21

  • By: Practising Law Institute
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    Practising Law Institute
    685 Market Street, Suite 100
    San Francisco, CA
  • Contact:
    Practising Law Institute
  • Website:
  • Source: California

Social Media for Non-Profit and Public Interest Organizations

March 21, 2013
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Live in San Francisco & Via Live Webcast

Why You Should Attend
With the growing focus on social media in the legal profession, smart non-profits and public interest organizations are cultivating a robust social media presence. Learn how to stay on the forefront of this new technology and harness the potential of social media to grow your donor and volunteer base and expand your organization's footprint.

What You Will Learn
• Entering the social media landscape
• How to efficiently and effectively integrate social media tools into your organization
• Tools to recruit volunteers and promote cases
• Introduction to social fundraising
• Cutting edge technologies and what's to come

Who Should Attend
Executive Directors, development and marketing managers, volunteer coordinators, managing and supervising attorneys, and staff from small and large non-profit and public interest organizations would greatly benefit from attending this program.

Program Schedule

Program Overview and Introductions
Darian Rodriguez Heyman, Ritu Sharma

Social Media Strategy
Every nonprofit is looking for ways to fortify and enrich its support for programs, events and fundraising. Social media promises to have potential in this area...but how and where can nonprofit organizations use it most effectively? What steps does a nonprofit have to take to prepare, develop and deploy social media to support is programs, events and donor development? This interactive workshop will focus on laying the groundwork for leveraging social media for program and fundraising support for your organization
Ritu Sharma

Tools to Recruit Volunteers and Promote Cases
Reaching potential volunteers is essential to growing a thriving pro bono program. This session will detail how social media can provide new pathways for volunteers to learn about and engage with your organization and programs. We will also discuss using social media tools to enhance support and supervision for pro bono lawyers, and provide greater resources and increased services to underserved clients and communities.
Liz Keith

Networking Break

Introduction to Social Fundraising
Online giving surged by over 35% last year, with gifts over $1,000 becoming increasingly commonplace. What are the keys to successful fundraising online, especially through social media? Join the Co-Founder of Social Media for Nonprofits as he presents useful, easy to implement, and effective tips, tools, and best practices. Bring your notepad, as this interactive session will be chock-full of practical, tactical solutions and actionable insights.
Darian Rodriguez Heyman


To register, please visit the PLI website: