Orders for Protection and Harassment Restraining Orders: Primer for the Independent Practitioner

Thursday February 24

  • By: Ramsey County Bar Association
  • Time: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Time Zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Joseph's Grill
    140 South Wabasha
    Saint Paul, MN
  • Contact:
    Sharon Elmore
    Ramsey County Bar Association
    651-222-0846 ext 27
  • Website: www.ramseybar.org
  • Source: Minnesota > ProJusticeMN.org

Presented by: Kelly Lawton Rogosheske, Rogosheske Lawton, PC

Attorneys in all practice areas interact with individuals affected by domestic violence and harassment. Depending upon the relationship between the alleged victim and aggressor, an individual may seek an OFP or HRO if they have experienced domestic abuse, assault, harassment or the threat of harm. Learn the basics of process and qualifications for obtaining Harassment Restraining Orders and Orders for Protection. Who can obtain protection? Which type of protection is appropriate to request when? How does one request protection? What is the process after filing? What are the implications of violating both types of orders? Join us for an overview of the process and qualifications for obtaining OFPs and HROs.