2014 LawHelp and probono.net Training Series - Capturing and Presenting Training Resources on your probono.net site

  • Organization: PBN
  • Document Type: Training materials
  • Date Created: Tuesday, August 26, 2014
  • Attachment(s): PPT | HTM

Developing resources in an easy to use, engaging format is important to increase your site's usability.This training will cover different probono.net site tools and strategies to create and present essential content on your site, with an emphasis on presenting training materials and integrating multimedia. We will feature various examples from the community, and provide best practices and recommendations on how you can get creative with your own resources! At the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Take advantage of probono.net site tools such as custom resource pages, flex content pages, and more to create site content.
  • Utilize various forms of multimedia and understand how to integrate them to your site
  • Generate ideas on creating your own materials after learning about best practices and community examples


  • Adam Friedl, Pro Bono Net
  • Ken Ramsey, Immigration Advocates Network
  • Training
  • Software Support