LSNTAP Community Training Series - 50 Tech Tips You Should Absolutely Know

50 Tech Tips Webinar

LSNTAP's most popular workshop is back again this year! The LSNTAP Community Training Series will once again feature quick technology tips that will change how you work, play and stay connected, including crowd-sourced tech suggestions from your colleagues. All of the tips are free or very low-cost. Don't miss this 90-minute webinar produced in partnership with Pro Bono Net!

Click here to watch the webinar recording and download the presentation slides.

LSNTAP Community Training Series - Developing a Mobile Strategy

Mobile Webinar Intro Slide

A growing majority of legal services clients access the internet through cell phones or mobile devices. As the numbers increase, so does client and attorney demand for mobile-accessible information, and mobile specific services. Technology plans increasingly contain mobile access as part of the services provided by legal aid agencies. This webinar will survey relevant mobile initiatives, planning considerations and strategies, as well as look forward to new types of mobile technology.

Click here to watch the webinar recording and download the presentation slides.

LSNTAP Community Training Series - Online Resources and Innovative Technologies to Assist the Unrepresented

SRL Webinar Intro Slide

This workshop will look at online tools that are being used to assist those that have a legal problem and don't have an attorney representing them. They can be in court or in different forums, or they might be dealing with a private party before the case escalates. We will quickly review the building blocks of online self-help: online forms, web chat, and statewide websites and their tools and then focus on new and innovate tools that are coming into place that will be game changers. These include online triage, online self-help forums, SMS Texting for reminders in case, and innovative use of email and websites to serve persons protected by Federal laws in the context of veterans.

Click here to watch the webinar recording and download the presentation slides.

LSNTAP Community Training Series - Innovations in Technology Enabled Pro Bono

Innovations in Tech-enabled Pro Bono Webinar Intro Slide

This special Celebrate Pro Bono Week webinar will focus on technology-enhanced pro bono models and discuss strategies for encouraging volunteers to embrace them. To paraphrase "Field of Dreams" - just because you built it, doesn't mean they'll come.

Various technologies in use by pro bono lawyers were discussed, including document assembly, remote document review, and online case marketing as well as tips on how to make these technologies more effective and helpful for their pro bono programs.

Click here to watch the webinar recording and download the presentation slides.

LSNTAP Community Training Series - Beyond Online Intake: Looking at Triage and Expert Systems

Mobile Webinar Intro Slide

Online Intake has been a highly popular LSTNAP/PBN Community Training series topic for the past two years. This year, we look at a new capacity, called triage, that can help make intake more efficient and robust by guiding litigants to the most appropriate resources and services. This webinar reviews the differences between intake, online intake and triage, explore and how expert systems can help maximize limited resources while improving client services. We will hear about robust online intake and triage projects underway or planned in Washington, DC, Illinois, Massachusetts and New Mexico.

Click here to watch the webinar recording and download the presentation slides.