Community News

Tip of the Week: Using the Sponsors Widget on the Advocate Template

  • 5/9/2008
  • Pro Bono Net

Are you highlighting your site partners on your advocate site? If so, are you using the new Sponsors Widget? This new homepage widget is an easy way to highlight sponsor or partner logos that link to their websites. It is flexible enough to be placed in the main content area of the homepage or one of the side columns. You can also adjust the number of items to display and create a dynamic, rotating series of links that change each time a user visits the page. This widget is currently being used in several creative ways and is a great way to highlight partners and even can be used to highlight site content.

Here are some examples:

- and have added a Sponsors Widget to the bottom of the main column of their homepage. Their sponsor logos flow to fit the wider space. As they add more partner logos, they will automatically flow to a new line.

-The Sponsors Widget in the middle of the left column of the Immigration Advocates Network displays four content badges at a time. IAN has created graphics for several highlighted resources and uploaded them into the Sponsors widget. By setting the widget to display four items, it rotates through the resources each time a user loads the page. They will have an increasingly large number of badges to draw from as they add more resources. IAN can also remove older items from the widget as they get newer content.

- The Sponsors widget at the top of the left column on the national homepage rotates through several of PBN's corporate sponsors. By setting it to display only one item, it randomly displays one sponsor on each page view. To track the number of clickthrus, PBN created a library resource for each sponsor with a hyperlink to the respective homepage as an attachment. By linking each sponsor logo to the library attachment (which then forwards the user to the sponsor's homepage), we can track approximately how many people click each sponsor logo.

- Lastly, you can also ask PBN staff to link Sponsors Widgets if you want the same content to appear on different sites or pages. For example, the Sponsors Widgets used on and are actually linked to the sponsors widget on By placing a special Linked Widget on and, changes to one instance of the Sponsors widget are reflected across them all. This can be a real time saver if you'd like to use the same widget across practice areas.

Please contact PBN if you'd like to add a new widget to any of your sites or would like more information on different ways you can use the Sponsors Widget.

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