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Voting Rights – Voter Hotline Volunteers in San Francisco Needed for Election Day

  • 8/31/2004
  • Nancy Anderson
  • Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law is seeking volunteer lawyers, law students, and paralegals to ensure that our most fundamental right as citizens - the right to vote - is not infringed upon in the 2004 November election. Pro Bono assistance is needed to staff a regional call center of the non-partisan national voter hotline (1-866-OUR-VOTE) that will be housed in San Francisco.

This voter hotline will provide immediate assistance to voters in states in the Mountain and Pacific time zones who encounter problems attempting to vote on Election Day. Expected problems include dissemination of misinformation by poll workers, problems associated with voting machines (including new electronic ones), and potential intimidation of voters in minority communities. Although the hotline will receive calls from many states, the program is targeting communities with large Hispanic, African American, and Native American members.

Volunteers are needed to staff the hotline for Friday, Oct. 29th and Monday, Nov. 1st and on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 2nd. Please visit the on-line registration form for details regarding times of the shifts:

Training and materials will be provided in advance. Volunteers are asked to sign up for at least one five hour shift (but are welcome to sign up for both early voting and Election Day shifts.) Over 400 volunteers are needed! Bi-lingual speakers are encouraged to volunteer. Partners in the Election Protection Program include People for the American Way Foundation, the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, among other civil rights organizations and bar associations. The hotline is a non-partisan effort and is not affiliated in any way with any candidate or political party.

To volunteer in San Francisco, please click here:

If you have questions, please visit our website at or contact Nancy J. Anderson, Pro Bono Counsel, at, or Deb Geithner, Election Protection Coordinator, at Thank you for your interest.

  • Civil Rights