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Volunteer Spotlight: CJ Kingsley

  • 9/14/2010
  • Vince Sison
  • VLSP

By Vince Sison, VLSP

The Volunteer Legal Services Program (VLSP) is happy to announce its July Volunteer of the Month, CJ Kingsley. While CJ has volunteered within many of VLSP’s projects including our Guardianship, Family Law, and Housing Negotiation Projects, we would like to highlight her work with the Legal Advice and Referral Clinic (LARC).

LARC is a walk-in clinic on the second Saturday of each month at UC Hastings, and on the last Saturday of each month in the Bayview. At these clinics, low-income clients are able to receive legal advice and/or referrals from experienced attorneys in various areas of the law. Volunteering at nearly every LARC, CJ tirelessly counsels clients in the fields of probate, family law, landlord/tenant, and debtor’s rights.

CJ greatly enjoys her experience with LARC saying, “LARC gives me the joy of helping others…assisting a number of clients, usually under stress, to deal with legal issues that can be very scary, confusing, and frustrating to people unused to the legal business of life.” However, CJ does recognize some of the challenges that come with this line of work saying, “The greatest challenge for any volunteer is trying to help people who are mentally challenged. I grieve over the lack of power to change life circumstances of some of my clients.” Her passion and commitment to justice make her an outstanding VLSP volunteer.

“CJ is great because we not only count on her to staff almost every clinic and give sound advice to clients, but she is so flexible with our system and helps out in whatever capacity we need; even if that means coming early to set up tables and chairs or donating money so that we’re able to provide refreshments to volunteers,” says Megan Colla, VLSP’s Volunteer Coordinator.

CJ has been volunteering for BASF/VLSP ever since passing the bar nearly 30 years ago. CJ is currently working towards an Estate Planning Certificate with Golden Gate University Law School’s Masters in Tax Program. She enjoys riding horses, walking, reading science/fiction, and a good game of billiards.

  • Pro Bono / Legal Services