Rollback (archived/inactive)


The ACLU's complete toolkit is an exhaustive, useful, and informative collection of information, tools, and strategies to help protect relationships (including fighting for marriage), find resources on parenting, make schools safe, fight against discrimination and organize effectively.

LGBT relationships are often discriminated against by employers (no benefits or insurance for partners), the courts (most won't help couples adopt children) and other institutions, and the law. Find out more about the impact of laws that discriminate on the ACLU site.

The section on parenting has lots of useful information: basic rights, research, laws, and policies.

People can learn also about how to fight discrimination at school, acknowledging that this work must be done in collaboration with and between students, parents, and community members.

The information about how to work to fight discrimination in general (very few states have laws that protect against LGBT discrimination in the workplace, housing, or public accommodations) includes strategies, things you can do, and other useful materials. There is also a whole section on organizing.

Find out more on the "Get Busy. Get Equal" site.

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