Rollback (archived/inactive)

Transcription: 'Take Back the Courts' Introduction

Every thing about your life, every minute of your life if affected by the court system and people are not aware of it. It affects the kind of school you go to, it affects how you get hired or fired or promoted on a job. It totally affects everything. Back in 1964 they passed the Civil Rights Act… and what that did is it opened up the court then to people who claimed they had been discriminated against by the State, because of sex, because of disability, because of age… what's been happening lately with Federal Courts is the door opened is being closed.

Speaker 1: I've lived all my life thinking I had all these rights, and wasn't I lucky… and then I found out that they weren't going to help me at all. I couldn't do anything… that's a disgrace.

Speaker 2: It seems like every move we make, every where we turn, every where we plead they're violating us… they're taking away something that people battled for back then in the sixties.

Speaker 3: The bottom line is involvement… and in making sure that people understand the connection between those that we elect and those who interpret our laws.

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