Rollback (archived/inactive)


By Kyle Mealand

Diversity and integration in our schools is very important because it creates a better public understanding of different cultures and ethnicities. A diverse school community educates and helps break negative stereotypes. The environment people grow up in and the people they are surrounded by have a large influence on the rest of their lives. Youth in schools are the future. It is important that in the future all cultures live in harmony. Misunderstanding and ignorance are the source of many of the world's problems. Peace in the world is now the responsibility of students because students are the eventual adults and leaders of the world.

Over mid-winter break, I traveled to Cape Town, South Africa. It wasn't until 1994 that the country of South Africa had been freed from apartheid. Apartheid, which means "apartness," was passed in order to force the segregation of all races in South Africa. In Cape Town, I attended two different schools, at most ten miles apart. Although these schools were fairly close, they almost seemed like they were in completely separate countries. Isilimela Comprehensive School was all black, Native South Africans. They spoke the language Xhosa that is also native to South Africa. Belville High School was an all white and colored school. They spoke the language Afrikaans that is derived from some European languages, it sounds a lot like German. There were no rules stating that only blacks or whites could attend certain schools. Politically, there were no boundaries after apartheid had been abolished. But after a century of segregation, social boundaries were formed. The white and black cultures in South Africa became invisible to each other. Invisibility is what creates ghettos, poverty and racism. No one cares, no one notices, because they have been living with it their entire lives. My mission in South Africa was to act as a bridge, to help initiate dialogue between these two groups of people. Communication and integration are keys to breaking boundaries and creating understanding.

When I returned to Seattle, I noticed a lot of the same within my own city. Although Seattle is said to be a more "liberal" area, it is one of the most segregated cities in the United States. There is a large difference in the North end schools compared to the South end schools. The amount of minorities, the quality of education, housing and gang violence are clearly not on the same level.

Diversity in schools is a priority if the world is going to be a better place for everyone. I believe that integration helps create equal opportunity and more safe and friendly environments for all cultures. In order to progress, youth must be able to understand each other and always be welcoming of new ideas.

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