Rollback (archived/inactive)


For more information on issues of workers' rights, here are some great resources.

The Worker Rights Consortium: An "independent labor rights monitoring organization, conducting investigations of working conditions in factories around the globe.".

The US Department of Labor's Occupational Safety & Health Administration: OSHA's page for workers has links to federal workers' rights and instructions on how to file a complaint.

American Rights at Work: An organization that focuses on "coalition-building, research, public relations, policy analysis, and advocacy" for workers.

The AFL-CIO: See what 'America's Union Movement' has to say about Workers' Rights.

Campaign for Labor Rights: An organization that works to "mobilize grassroots support throughout the United States to promote economic and social justice by campaigning to end labor rights violations around the world."

The National Employment Law Project: NELP has "advocated for over 30 years on behalf of low-wage workers, the poor, the unemployed, and other groups that face significant barriers to employment and government systems of support."

The National Labor Relations Board: Since 1935, the National Labor Relations Board has "served the public interest by reducing interruptions in commerce caused by conflict between private sector workers and employers."

Urban Agenda: This group is an "action-oriented public policy, research and advocacy organization dedicated to building a stronger and more diverse labor movement and a socially, environmentally, and economically just New York City."

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