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Stop Solitary is a broad coalition of advocacy organizations, scholars, activists, mental health experts, and faith-based organizations around the country engaged in a campaign to challenge the use of long-term solitary confinement in U.S. prisons, jails and juvenile detention centers - in the courts, in the legislatures, in reforms of correctional practice, and in the battle for public opinion.

Here you will find a collection of resources designed to aid the process of challenging long-term solitary confinement at the national level. It is also the repository for New York specific materials pertinent to long-term isolation. If you have any questions about these materials, please contact Jessica Carns at or Elena Landriscinea at

You can subscribe to the Stop Solitary listserv, where members share strategies, data, and resources in challenging long-term solitary confinement. The Stop Solitary listserv is also the key communications hub for coalition work in New York State to challenge the use of long-term isolation in prisons overseen by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS). If you would like to subscribe to this list, please send an email from the email address you would like subscribed to

These Stop Solitary resources are a subset of resources available through, a site dedicated to those providing legal assistance to prisoners (convicts and pre-trial detainees) with respect to the conditions of their confinement.



New York Specific Resources

Other State-Specific Resources

Reports and Studies

Materials produced by academics or research organizations


Articles from newspapers and magazines

Public Education

Advocacy materials

Case Law
