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Pro Bono Law Alberta

There are many ways that lawyers can get involved in pro bono service throughout Alberta. You can volunteer at an authorized pro bono clinic, with Volunteer Lawyers Service anywhere in the province, or through a PBLA project such as Civil Claims Duty Council (Edmonton and Calgary) or the 1000 Voices Legal Clinic (Calgary) for example.

PBLA creates paths to possibilities for lawyers to use their unique legal skills to provide pro bono services to those who otherwise may not have access to legal services.

Click on the sidebar links to learn about the many different volunteer opportunities. You can also contact us directly to help you discover how you can make a difference!

The Many Benefits of Volunteering...

  • Professional Development
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Practical Experience
  • Peer Recognition
  • Flexible and Accomodating
  • Short or Long term Opportunities

Ultimately, volunteering as a pro bono lawyer impacts many lives and is an enriching experience both for the volunteer lawyer as well as those who are recipients or beneficiaries of the contributions of volunteer lawyers.