
September 2014 Featured Volunteer: Kaleb Boese

  • 9/4/2014
  • Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc.

Kaleb BoeseVolunteering with Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma (LASO) is an opportunity to play a small role in providing valuable services to many in the Tulsa area for Kaleb Boese, a third year law student at the University of Tulsa.
Kaleb assisted LASO Bankruptcy attorneys during his summer internship in the Tulsa Law Office.  Debtor/Creditor rights is one area of law that interests him.  He says volunteering at Legal Aid has given him the opportunity to see yet a different side of the debtor/creditor relationship.  Kaleb was given previous exposure to this specialized area of law from two distinct and valuable experiences when he externed under Bankruptcy Judge Terrance Michael and then interned for Chapter 13 Trustee Lonnie Eck.

He is originally from Freeman, South Dakota.  When Kaleb visited Oklahoma he liked both the law school and the city of Tulsa itself.  “Tulsa offers a good quality of life and I really enjoy being here," he says.

Before coming to Tulsa, Kaleb received a Bachelor’s degree from Augustana College and then worked in the financial industry for about three years.


LASO:   What did you enjoy most about helping with services to the clients of LASO?

Kaleb Boese:  It is very satisfying to help at Legal Aid because the services provided have a significant impact on the lives of the clients. The issues faced by Legal Aid clients are often very serious. Unfortunately these clients may not have many resources to deal with their legal issues. I enjoy knowing that any assistance I provide will have a positive and meaningful impact in someone's life.

LASO:  Would you recommend volunteering/interning with LASO?

KB:  I would recommend volunteering at Legal Aid.  LASO provides legal professionals an opportunity to broaden their own horizons while making a positive impact in their community. 

LASO:  What, if anything, is unique about volunteering with a non-profit law firm.

KB:  The clients and cases at LASO are likely to be different than what many practitioners typically see. Therefore, volunteering at Legal Aid is a good opportunity to gain a different perspective of the legal system.

LASO:   Upon graduation, will pro bono work be a part your law practice career?

KB:  Volunteering at Legal Aid has been a very positive experience. This summer has encouraged me to do further pro bono work in the future. I've seen how even small amounts of time can have a very helpful impact for others.

Thank you Kaleb!

  • Pro Bono/Legal Services