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Housing Court: Nonpayment Proceedings

Wednesday March 06

  • By: Community Service Society
  • Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Community Service Society
    Conference Room A
    633 Third Avenue
    New York, NY
  • Website: reg125.imperisoft.com

Non-attorney advocates can play an important role in helping tenants avoid the most dangerous pitfalls of Housing Court. Find out how NYC housing court works and how you can negotiate housing court on behalf of households facing an eviction. Learn the ways to answer a petition for non-payment, what types of defenses a tenant can employ and how to implement them, and the various outcomes that may result. Learn what a stipulation is and whether it is a good option for your client. Finally, discover what will happen when a judge signs an eviction order and how to delay or stop an eviction.

Sign up by 2/20/19 for the Early Bird price $60.00. Regular fee is $75.00
