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Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts - Volunteer Attorney Orientation

Monday December 17

  • By: Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
  • Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
    One East 53rd Street, First Floor
    New York , NY
  • Contact:
    Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
    212-319-2787 ext. 1

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with VLA! Our success depends on the generous commitments made by volunteer attorneys. We provide not only an invaluable resource for New York City-area artists, but also an exciting opportunity for attorneys to interact with artists and contribute meaningfully to their work.

To volunteer for in-house consultations or to take a case from our list of available cases, or caselist, VLA requires that attorneys attend a short orientation. At the orientation, important information about VLA’s programs, requirements for volunteers and our administrative procedures will be covered.

All orientations take place ?at VLA Auditorium: ?One East 53rd Street, First Floor?, New York, NY 10022.
Attorney orientations are ?conducted by VLA staff.

Please note the following requirements for all attorneys performing volunteer work through VLA:

All volunteer attorneys MUST be covered by their own or their employer’s legal malpractice insurance policy for volunteer work performed through VLA.
Attorneys who have have been admitted to practice for less than 3 years must have a supervising attorney who has been admitted to practice for longer than 3 years. Volunteers are responsible for securing their own supervising attorney


VLA is approved to provide CLE credit to attorneys who provide pro bono legal services through our organization.
