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4th Annual Employment Law Institute

Friday March 09

  • By: New York City Bar Association
  • Time: 8:15 AM - 5:40 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    New York City Bar Association
    42 West 44th Street
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Rosan Dacres
    New York City Bar Association
  • Website: bit.ly

This institute will examine recent trends, developments, and cutting-edge issues in employment law. Topics to be discussed include common ethical pitfalls for employment lawyers; legal issues arising both in the hiring process and dismissal of an employee; employers' increasing use of big data and concerns about employment discrimination; developments in wage and hour law; and strategies for mediating employment disputes. There will also be break-out sessions focusing on employment issues that frequently arise for in-house counsel and legal and ethical considerations for the virtual workplace. The panels will include in-house counsel for several large New York corporations and financial institutions, representatives from governmental agencies, and top practitioners from both the plaintiffs' and defense bar.

  • CLE Credit Comments: New York, New Jersey & California: 7.5 credits total (breakdown TBD) Pennsylvania: 6.0 credits total (breakdown TBD) *CLE breakdown depends on breakout sessions attended and will be available at the program.