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Webinars for Wise Nonprofits: Keeping Up with Recent Governance Law Changes

Tuesday October 03

  • By: Lawyers Alliance for New York
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Location:
    Webinar/Teleseminar, NY

Even if you updated your organization's bylaws and corporate documents when New York's nonprofit law changed in 2014, recent additional changes to the law mean that you should be updating your bylaws and conflicts policies once again, and taking advantage of some newly clarified governance rules. After reviewing highlights of earlier changes to the nonprofit law, we will describe the latest amendments to the Nonprofit Revitalization Act that became effective in spring 2017. Particular attention will be given to the governance of nonprofit housing organizations, however the webinar will be useful for all nonprofits.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to make sure their bylaws and conflict of interest policy comply with the latest changes to New York's nonprofit law - including a few changes that will make it easier for the Board to operate.

For executive directors, senior staff, and board members.

Presenters: Hedwig O'Hara, Senior Staff Attorney; and Mary Burner, Staff Attorney