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Mobilizing Local Communities to Save TPS

Wednesday August 02

  • By: Alianza Americas
  • Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    This event will take place online.
    Webinar/Teleseminar, United States
  • Source: Immigration Advocates Network > IAN Nonprofit Resource Center

More than 350,000 people currently hold Temporary Protected Status, granted when their country was determined to be too unsettled for safe return, mostly in the case of natural disaster or conflict. About 90% of those holding TPS are from El Salvador, Honduras and Haiti. Now the program is at serious risk. DHS Secretary Kelly has indicated renewals are uncertain. These are people with decades of strong roots in US communities. This webinar will explore a concrete example of how local organizations and local governments are teaming up to protect families and keep their communities strong. Irma Flores from the city government of Somerville, MA will discuss local ordinances. Patricia Montes, Executive Director of Centro Presente will talk about how this effort developed and possibilities for expanding. Yanira Arias will add experiences from other localities in New Jersey, Florida, Washington, DC, Texas, and California where large numbers of TPS holders live and work. Oscar Chacón will moderate and discuss how local efforts can bridge to national advocacy.

To register for this webinar, please click here.
