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Representing LGBT and HIV+ Clients in the Trump Era

Monday May 15

This session will explore how advocates can offer quality representation to LGBT and HIV+ clients in today's changing and uncertain legal landscape. Our faculty will examine critical legal issues affecting LGBT and HIV+ clients including updates on anti-discrimination, healthcare, and family law. You'll also learn about crucial professional responsibility issues when working with LGBT and HIV+ clients including intake and interview procedures, the importance of language, and other topics aimed at increasing participants' cultural knowledge.

By the end of this program participants will:

Understand what gender identity and gender expression mean, and how these aspects of human identity intersect with and differ from sexual orientation and other aspects of human identity;
Learn proper terminology related to sexual identity, gender identity, and expression;
Clarify and assess assumptions, misperceptions, and cultural messages regarding LGBT people and the ways LGBT people encounter bias and discrimination in various aspects of life;
Understand how aspects of a person's identity such as race, class, and immigration status intersect with LGBT status to put people living at these intersections at particular risk of discrimination and injustice; and
Understand how rules governing professional responsibility relate to the ethical representation of LGBT people of color.
The presentation format will allow for a Q&A session during which faculty and participants can engage in a dialogue about how advocates can ethically and effectively represent clients impacted by racism, poverty, homophobia, and transphobia.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Ethics and Professionalism: 1.00 Areas of Professional Practice: 0.50