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Mental Health Issues & the New York State Courts 2017: Confidentiality, Behavioral Health & the Justice System

Wednesday May 24

  • By: Practising Law Institute
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 4:45 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Practising Law Institute
    1177 Avenue of the Americas
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Marin Addis
    Practising Law Institute
  • Website: www.pli.edu

Approximately 20 percent of Americans experience some type of mental illness in a given year, and the prevalence of mental disorders among individuals involved in the criminal justice system, and some areas of the civil legal system, is even higher. This year's Mental Health Issues & the New York State Courts program will address the confidentiality issues raised when individuals living with mental illness are involved with the criminal and civil justice systems in New York State.

This program is designed for New York State judges, court attorneys, law clerks, prosecutors, defense attorneys, attorneys in private practice, and mental health system professionals involved in the New York State justice system.

Practising Law Institute gratefully acknowledges the support and assistance of the New York State Courts Office of Court Administration and the CUCS Academy for Justice-Informed Practice.

Topics Include
•Constitutional and common law sources of the right to privacy of medical and behavioral health information
•Federal and state laws protecting the confidentiality of medical and behavioral health information
•Exceptions permitting the sharing of information with law enforcement, health providers, and other entities
•Situations where individuals are asked to waive confidentiality as a condition of participating in justice-related programs
•Ethical considerations for lawyers who seek to obtain or share confidential information or who represent individuals whose information is being sought

Cost: $0

  • CLE Credit Comments: Credit Status: Approved Transitional: Newly admitted NY attorneys CAN earn ethics, professional practice, and law practice management credits CANNOT earn skills credits in this format. Total Credits: 7.00 Ethics: 0.50 Professional Practice: 6.50