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AG HOPP WEBINAR--Using Administrative Complaints to Pursue Fair Lending & Fair Housing Claims

Wednesday January 25

Courts are not the only venue in which your clients’ lending and housing-related discrimination claims can be pursued—administrative remedies are available at the federal, state and local levels. This webinar will acquaint participants with the available remedies and applicable procedures for pursuing these administrative complaints, and will cover the interplay between complaints filed with the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development and the New York State Division of Human Rights as well as procedures before local agencies such as the New York City Commission on Human Rights. Attend this webinar and learn about the additional tools available for asserting your clients’ fair lending and fair housing rights.

Presenters: Rachel Geballe, Senior Staff Attorney, Brooklyn Legal Services Amy Hammersmith, Senior Staff Attorney, Queens Legal Services 

CLE Credit: 1.0 Professional Practice

Register for WEBINAR at: http://support.empirejustice.org/site/Calendar?view=Detail&id=105403

 Registration is limited to 125 participants. If there are multiple people in one office that would like to attend, we ask that you register only one person and view as a group.

If you require a special accommodation to attend this webinar, please contact Michelle Peterson, Training Manager, no later than January 18th with your request at mpeterson@empirjustice.org
