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Fifth Annual e-Conference: Cutting Edge Issues in Immigration Law

Monday October 31 -
Friday November 04 2016

  • By: Immigration Advocates Network
  • Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    Online, United States

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN) is excited to announce its fifth annual e-conference fundraiser, "Cutting Edge Issues in Immigration Law," from October 31 to November 4, 2016. Join us for a week-long series of interactive online trainings with national experts on representing children, administrative advocacy, entry & admission, U visas, and provisional waivers. We explore the issues through the lens of current events and the latest legal developments.

E-Conference Features

  • Listen to nationally-recognized experts from the comfort of your own office;
  • Participate in "ask the expert" sessions during each interactive training;
  • Access presentations and handouts before the training session;
  • Take interactive quizzes and polls before and during conference sessions; and
  • Obtain exclusive access to recorded trainings after the conference.

Conference sessions

  • Oct 31 - Representing Children in Removal Proceedings
  • Nov 1 - Elevating the Case: Strategies for Helping Clients with USCIS Issues
  • Nov 2 - How Entry, Admission and Parole Affect Your Client's Case
  • Nov 3 - Enhance your U Visa Practice 
  • Nov 4 - The Expanded Provisional Waiver Program


The cost of each two-hour training session is $25. Your support helps IAN offer free trainings and resources throughout the year. For more information and to register, click here.


The Immigration Advocates Network is the country's largest network of nonprofit and pro bono immigration advocates, organizers and service providers.
