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7th Annual Supreme Court Review/Preview (Free)

Tuesday October 04

  • By: Center on Latino and Latina Rights and Equality (CLORE) - CUNY School of Law, Orrick
  • Time: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    51 West 52nd St (near Ave of Americas)
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Nazia Hanif
    CLORE at CUNY School of Law
    (718) 340-4198
  • Website: www.law.cuny.edu

CUNY School of Law's Center on Latino and Latina Rights and Equality (CLORE) presents FREE CLE

Key cases of interest from the 2015-2016 Term and a Preview of Select 2016-2017 Term Cases with greetings from Hon. Jenny Rivera, Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals.

Panelists include:

  • Christina Duffy Ponsa, George Woodward Murray Prof. of Legal History, Columbia Univ.
  • Janet Calvo, Prof. of Law, CUNY School of Law
  • Tomas Lopez, Counsel, Democracy Program, Brennan Ctr for Justice at NYU Law
  • Naomi Mower, Managing Assoc., Sup Ct & Appellate Group, Orrick
  • Natalie Gomez-Velez, Prof. of Law and Director of CLORE, CUNY School of Law

RSVP to clore@mail.law.cuny.edu or (718) 340-4198
