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Courts and Procedural Justice in Domestic Violence Cases: Linking Litigant Experiences to Better Outcomes and Safer Communities, hosted by the Center for Court Innovation (Free Webinar)

Wednesday October 19

  • By: Center for Court Innovation
  • Time: 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    Online, United States
  • Contact:
    Jenna Smith
    Center for Court Innovation

A lot has been written in recent years on procedural justice—how the ways in which litigants are treated in court affects their perceptions of fairness. But what about procedural justice in the context of domestic violence? This webinar will provide an overview of procedural justice in domestic violence cases, explaining how the perception of fairness goes hand-in-hand with increased compliance and accountability. It will offer best practices for judges, court clerks, civil legal service providers, and other court professionals. Participants will hear from speakers who are leading the field in their work.


  • Kate Wurmfeld, Center for Court Innovation
  • Judge Jeffrey Kremers, Milwaukee County Circuit Court, Wisconsin,
  • Leesa A. McNeil, District Court Administrator, Third Judicial District, Sioux City, Iowa

Cost: Free

Audience: The webinar is open to all who wish to attend.   We are committed to access for participants with disabilities and Deaf participants. We encourage our colleagues with disabilities and Deaf colleagues to attend.

Registration:  Click Here or RSVP to Jenna Smith, smithje@courtinnovation.org