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Settlement Agreements in Abusive Lending and Foreclosure Litigation

Monday December 09

A panel of experienced advocates will discuss the range of issues that arise when negotiating and drafting litigation settlement agreements (not loan modification agreements) in foreclosure and abusive lending litigation, including the concerns presented by whereas clauses; confidentiality clauses; non-disparagement clauses; releases; general boiler plate language; continuing jurisdiction/choice of law and forum clauses; indemnification clauses; tax consequences clauses; and consent decrees and injunctive language, among others.

For more information visit the Legal Services Learning Center or email learningcenter@ls-nyc.org.


  • Lynn Armentrout - Director, Foreclosure Project, City Bar Justice Center
  • Elise Brown - Deputy Director, MFY Legal Services
  • Donna Dougherty - Attorney-in-Charge, Legal Services for the Elderly in Queens
  • Oda Friedheim - Supervising Attorney, The Legal Aid Society
  • Jennifer Sinton - Director, Foreclosure Prevention Unit, South Brooklyn Legal Services
  • Jacob Inwald - Director of Foreclosure Prevention Litigation, Legal Services NYC - Legal Support Unit